Exercises to Help Manage Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects men of all ages. This condition occurs when the muscles necessary to maintain an erection become weak and lose. This can happen for various reasons. However, exercises that help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles can help improve and cure erectile dysfunction. Read on to know more about these exercises that one can try.
1. Pelvic floor exercise or Kegels
This is a simple exercise that activates the muscles of the pelvic floor. Identifying the pelvic muscles could take a bit of time. The muscles stretch from the pubic bone to the tailbone and are known as the pubococcygeus. Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat and touching the ground, with your arms by your side. Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles and exhale for three counts. Breathe in and release the muscles for a count of three. This exercise can also be performed in the sitting and standing posture. Those with erectile dysfunction should perform this exercise three times a day.
2. Pilates
Pilates not only activates the pelvic muscles but also strengthens them. There are three types of Pilates exercises one can do.
Knee fallout – Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Lower your knee sideways as far as it will go towards the ground with your feet on the ground. Return to the center and repeat with the other knee. Do this 5-10 times on each side.
Supine foot raise – Take the same position as for the knee fallout. Then lift one foot in the air at a degree angle and hold the pose for a few seconds. Bring your foot back to the ground and repeat with the other foot.
Pelvic curl – Take the same position as knee fallout and lift your buttocks into the air. Your weight should be on your shoulders. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks and hold for a few seconds. Exhale, release the muscles, and lie back down slowly. Repeat this 4-5 times slowly.
3. Aerobic exercises
These exercises can significantly combat erectile dysfunction if performed at least four times a week. You should exercise for about 40 minutes for at least 6 months to see any results. You can try boxing, rowing, running, or cycling. These exercises would also be good for your overall health and keep cardiovascular disease and obesity at bay.
Apart from these exercises, you should talk to your doctor about dietary changes and medications to see faster and significant results.