8 Herbs That Can Help Manage Overactive Bladder

8 Herbs That Can Help Manage Overactive Bladder

When a person suffers from overactive bladder or OAB, they face the sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate. Although there are medications to treat this condition, natural and herbal remedies have also gained popularity. Listed below are a few herbs that can be used as a natural treatment option for OAB.

8 herbs that can help manage overactive bladder

1. Bladderwrack
This is a type of seaweed that has a high amount of iodine and is most often used as a treatment for hypothyroidism. It can also be used to treat an overactive bladder; however, you should avoid it if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have an overactive thyroid, take other forms of iodine such as kelp, or are on natural or synthetic hormones for hypothyroidism.

2. Gosha-jinki-gan
A study conducted in 2007 on elderly men with overactive bladder showed that consuming this herb for over 6 weeks could help to reduce its symptoms. It can also be used as a new therapy for men with benign prostatic obstruction.

3. Horsetail
In addition to the symptoms of OAB, this herb is used to treat various other urinary issues such as urinary leaks or incontinence, bladder stones and urinary tract infections or UTIs. However, only the parts of the plant that are above the ground are safe for consumption. This herb is a good source of the mineral silica, which is required to strengthen connective tissues.

4. Saw palmetto
This plant is common in eastern United States, especially Florida. The berries of the plant can be used to treat OAB in men who also have prostate problems.

5. Crataeva
This is an Indian herb that has been used to treat bladder issues since the ancient times. When used for 6-12 weeks, this herb can boost the smooth muscles of the bladder. This results in less urinary leakage.

6. Mullein
This herb can be especially beneficial for treating urinary incontinence caused due to menopause. It helps to strengthen the sphincter muscle of the bladder, which may become weak due to reduced estrogen levels in the body.

7. Buchu
This is a South African herb that can help to reduce the urge to urinate. It is especially useful for treating urinary incontinence that occurs due to diabetes. This herb is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

8. Green tea
Although, caffeine can be a diuretic, green tea has only a minimal amount of it and, therefore it can be used to deal with OAB. In a study conducted in 2011, it was found that those who drank four or more cups of green tea everyday were likely to experience lowered bladder leakage.

It should be noted that some of these herb may produce a few side effects. Also, they could interfere with the effectiveness of other medications that you could be taking. Therefore, before you start taking any herbs or remedies you should talk to your doctor.