Safe and Unsafe Fruits and Veggies to Feed Cats
A nutrition plan is vital for maintaining your cat’s overall health. Apart from store-bought treats, vets also advise feeding them fresh veggies and fruits. These are easy on your furball’s tummy and come loaded with many essential nutrients. However, the selection must be made wisely as certain fruits and vegetables can be unsafe for felines. Here’s a list of fruits and veggies that serve as healthy cat treats and those that are best avoided. Safe fruits and veggies The following options are safe for your feline friend: 1. Bananas Most cats are easily attracted to the unique texture and sweet taste of bananas. The fruit is an excellent source of nutrients like vitamins B6 and C and even magnesium and potassium. 2. Zucchini This is another entry on the list of healthy cat treats. You can serve zucchini in its cooked or raw forms. It’s loaded with fiber and pretty low in calories, making it an excellent choice for pets. However, vets suggest avoiding adding any salt, seasoning, or oil to cooked zucchini. 3. Sweet potatoes In their boiled form, sweet potatoes are healthy cat treats as they help improve digestion in pets. They are rich sources of vitamins, calcium, iron, and minerals and have many antioxidants.