Easy and Quick Snack Recipes for Toddlers
Toddlers are super active all through the day, and hence they get hungry soon. Unlike adults, they have smaller main meals and keep asking for snacks quite often during the day. Here is a list of healthy kid snacks that you can offer to children without feeling guilty.
1. Tiny sliced fruits
You can make a beautiful bowl of fruits cut up into bite-sized pieces anytime your child asks for a snack. Sprinkle some cinnamon powder or a dollop of honey to make the snack more appetizing. The more nutrient-rich fruits you give your little one, the stronger they will become. Fruits like apples, bananas, and berries can be packed for lunch.
2. Flavored yogurt
If your child likes yogurt, then the homemade version of these is one of the healthiest snacks you can offer your little. Y ou can easily make this at home using store-bought yogurt and fruit purees. You can also pick up low-sugar store alternatives too.
3. Mashed vegetable sandwiches
It is important to feed your kids nutrient-rich foods. To make this quick healthy kid snack, you need to boil vegetables like peas, carrots, tomatoes, and potatoes (avoid any vegetable that causes stomach upset), add some salt to it, and spread the mashed veggies on a piece of bread. Make sure you remove all the hard parts in it; this will help your kid chew the food well.
4. Apple and peanut butter sandwich
This is one of the healthy kid snacks you can creatively make and offer to kids of all ages. Cut relatively thin slices of the apples and remove the core and skin. Add peanut butter to one slice and cover with the other slice just like a peanut butter sandwich. Add a toothpick so that the slices stay put and pack them in a container.
5. Trail mix
When you get store-bought trail mixes, make sure you check the ingredients. Most have unhealthy additions like M&S, chocolates, and lots of sugar. Pick healthier trail mixes or make them at home. These can be packed as individual portions and given to the kid on the go.
6. Roasted chickpeas
Chickpeas are one of the best sources of vegetarian proteins. You can roast chickpeas at home and add different flavors like cheese, oregano, paprika, or rosemary. Make small portions at a time as they can get soggy and chewy when kept for a long time. With so many different flavors available, your child will not get bored with this snack at all.
All these healthy kid snacks can be made at home or bought from stores. Make sure the elders in the family also choose healthy snacks so that the child follows cues. There are many other delicious recipes that you can easily make for your kids.