Foods to Eat and Avoid With High Cholesterol

Foods to Eat and Avoid With High Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance needed for the healthy functioning of the body. There are two types of cholesterol – LDL and HDL. The kind of food you eat can increase your cholesterol levels and lead to cardiovascular problems. When it comes to high cholesterol and foods, here are foods to eat and avoid.

Best foods to eat with high cholesterol

1. Fresh fruits and vegetables
Fresh fruits and vegetables have a variety of vitamins and minerals and less or no fat. As a result, these are some of the best foods to consume with high cholesterol. You can choose all kinds of fruits, veggies, and greens, and make sure to have at least 3-4 portions of the same every day.

2. Green tea
When it comes to high cholesterol and foods, one of the important foods you should not miss is green tea. Green tea is also an excellent antioxidant, which can help fight free radicals that affect the body.

3. Fiber-rich foods
One of the perfect nutrients you can have with high cholesterol is fiber. Foods rich in fiber can easily pass through the GI tract. As a result, the fiber pushes out the deposited cholesterol from the body. This helps bring down cholesterol levels naturally.

4. Lean meat
If you love red meat, choose leaner cuts that have minimal fats yet are tasty. You can bake, steam, or shallow fry these to make them still healthier.

5. Fatty fish
Fatty fishes have good amounts of HDL cholesterol that is beneficial for the body. These bring down LDL numbers and also keep the body strong and healthy.

Worst foods to eat with high cholesterol

1. Processed meat
When it comes to high cholesterol and foods, one of the worst foods you can have is processed meat. Most processed meats contain high levels of trans and saturated fats and high LDL levels, all of which are very unhealthy for people with existing high cholesterol levels.

2. Deep-fried foods
All deep-fried foods contain high oil levels and can increase LDL cholesterol levels in the body. Choose other cooking methods like baking, steaming, and air frying instead.

3. Takeaway foods
All takeaway foods like burgers, pizza, fries, and pastries have very high levels of trans and saturated fats in them. These have to be avoided if you have high cholesterol levels.

4. Desserts
Baked desserts have fats like butter or margarine in them. These can also increase cholesterol levels. Such desserts are full of saturated fats and are generally unhealthy.

High cholesterol and foods are directly related. Make a note of all these best and worst foods if your cholesterol levels are high, and make healthy diet changes that will help you naturally bring the levels down.